RAiG announces support for a licensing or registration regime for gambling affiliates

Following a thorough internal review, Responsible Affiliates in Gambling (RAiG) has today announced that it would support in principle the introduction of a statutory licensing or registration regime for affiliates who are active in the British gambling market, subject to the detail of any proposed system and the clear identification of the benefits that it would provide to consumers.

RAiG’s core aim is to foster wider initiatives in the UK affiliate marketing sector to promote social responsibility and create a safer gambling environment for consumers. Although much can be done on a voluntary basis in pursuit of that, it has been concluded that the right way to ensure that standards rise across the whole sector is for minimum requirements to be set out and implemented by way of some form of licensing or registration process.

Although the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) oversees the regulation of all forms of advertising, it is not a licensing body, nor is it a statutory regulator. It is therefore suggested that a licensing or registration role might best be fulfilled by the Gambling Commission.

In reaching that conclusion, RAiG noted that there are already precedents where the Commission has applied some form of direct licensing or authorisation to third party suppliers (for example, Gambling Software Provider licences; and the provision of approved lists of Alternative Dispute Resolution providers, and Software Testing Houses).

Such a system need not be expensive nor burdensome given that this approach is designed to supplement an already extensive range of regulations.

Commenting on the decision, RAIG’s chairman, Clive Hawkswood, said:

“The decision to support the principle of a licensing or registration system was not taken lightly and we have been assessing the pros and cons for many months. This issue will achieve greater prominence as the Government’s review of the Gambling Act 2005 picks up pace and it is vital that we play a constructive role as policies evolve rather than waiting on the side-lines for measures to be imposed.

It is appreciated that this is an issue where opinion across the sector is divided and RAiG will make clear that, as with any trade body, it can only speak on behalf of its members. Despite that, we hope everyone in the affiliate marketing world and beyond will keep an open mind about any proposals which would serve to create a safer gambling environment. As with all forms of licensing and regulation, the devil is usually in the detail and the aim must be to work with all stakeholders to ensure that any provisions are proportionate and, most important of all, effective in improving safeguards for consumers.”